Photography and Recording Policy

Photography and Recording Policy

The Grundy Foundation, Grundy Museum, and Grundy Library (hereafter “Foundation”) have a significant interest in maintaining an environment that allows patrons and visitors to freely access information and resources. We also recognize that we are an attractive destination for our community and visitors. The Foundation maintains policies in support of its patrons, visitors, and staff members in order to protect their privacy and ensure their freedom from harassment, intimidation, and threats to their safety and well-being. As such, the Foundation has adopted the following policy regarding the taking of photographs, videos, and/or audio recordings (hereafter “photography and/or recordings”) on Foundation property, which includes exterior grounds and interior spaces such as the Grundy Museum and Grundy Library.

General Policy 

Permission is generally not required for casual visitors wishing to capture photography and/or recordings in public areas of the Foundation interior or exterior spaces for personal, noncommercial use provided that Foundation policies are observed and these general guidelines are followed:

  • Single hand-held cameras only; no ancillary equipment, such as a tripods, lights, etc.  
  • Observe signage and staff guidance indicating that photography and/or recordings are restricted or prohibited in some areas of the Foundation, Museum or Library (i.e., restrooms, museum artifacts, and archival materials). Photography and/or recordings of, or in, areas reserved for staff use only is also prohibited.
  • Staff members may not be photographed or recorded without express permission from the Foundation; the photographer will honor the requests by any patron or visitor who does not wish to be photographed or recorded; minors may not be photographed or recorded without the consent of a parent or guardian, except by Foundation staff during Foundation-sponsored programs and except incidentally in group or crowd photos.

Photography and/or recordings must take place during regular hours of operation for each Foundation property. However, these spaces may, at any time, be closed without advanced notice. 

The Foundation reserves the right to prohibit any photography and/or recordings for any reason, including, but not limited to, if the recording or photography creates the potential for: (i) disruption of business; (ii) damage to or alteration of Foundation property; (iii) inappropriate use of Foundation, Museum, or Library names, logos or images; (iv) disruption of interior or exterior pedestrian or vehicular traffic; (v) other safety hazards; (vi) violations of the Foundation’s policies; or (vii) individual or corporate financial gain. Failure to comply will result in removal from property.

Exterior Photography and Recordings

Casual Photography: In accordance with the General Policy, casual visitors do not need permission to capture photography and/or recordings in the exterior public spaces of the Foundation provided they are strictly for personal, noncommercial use and they abide by the guidelines outlined above. 

Wedding photos, prom photos, and other formal public photography: Wedding, prom and other types of formal photography require prior written approval. Approval is requested via the Use of Grounds Application, which must be submitted at least one week in advance of desired day of use.  While the General Policy above is broadly applicable, formal public photography requests may fall outside of regular hours of operations (fees may apply) and ancillary photographic equipment (tripods, lights, etc.) is acceptable. For details, see Use of Grounds Application and Regulations for Use of Grounds.

News Media Photography and Recordings

The Foundation welcomes news media photographers and reporters who are completing stories or projects that directly promote the Foundation and its programs, events, and services. Media must obtain permission from the Foundation prior to any planned photo shoot and respect the guidelines that apply to all photographers.

Commercial Photography and Recordings

Photography and/or recordings for commercial purposes are generally not permitted. Any exceptions will be granted by the Foundation Director or their designee. Such requests must be made in writing and submitted in advance.

Photography and Recordings of Materials and Resources

In no instance may any Museum or Archive collections be photographed or recorded without express permission from the Foundation. The Library generally permits photography and/or recordings of its regular material collections. However, patrons are solely responsible for obtaining consent or other permission when taking photographs or videos of copyrighted materials.

Foundation Photography and Recording 

The Foundation may capture photography and/or recordings on Foundation property and during Foundation events to use in its publicity materials and on its websites and social media sites. The Foundation reserves the right to document its services and the public’s use of its buildings and grounds. Photographs, videos, and audio recordings may be copied, displayed, televised, and published (including on any Foundation web site or social media site). All visitors consent to the use of their photo or recording taken on Foundation premises or during Foundation-sponsored events, unless they specifically inform staff of an objection to such use prior to or while such photographs or recordings are taken. No names will be utilized in conjunction with photos without express written consent.

This policy extends to Foundation booths and programs at public events in the community.

Community Meetings and Events

Community organizations holding scheduled events or meetings in Foundation meeting rooms or spaces may arrange for their own photography and/or recordings of their event. Such photography and recording are restricted to the space reserved by the group and the people in the group. Moreover, the group is responsible for any necessary releases and permissions.


Persons involved in capturing photography and/or recordings are solely liable for any injuries to persons or property that result from their activities on Foundation property. They also have sole responsibility for obtaining all necessary releases and permissions required by law from persons who can be identified in any photograph or video or for copyrighted materials. The Foundation undertakes no responsibility for obtaining these releases or permissions.