Fully Funding Grundy Library and Grundy Museum Enhancements Since 1961

The Grundy Foundation plays a vital role in our community, and with your support, we CanDoMore!

Established through an endowment by Joseph R. Grundy, the Foundation embodies the Senator’s vision of philanthropy. This vision not only includes grant-making but also the creation of the Grundy Library and Grundy Museum, both of which remain free and open to the public, serving the Bristol Borough community tirelessly.

While the current endowment sustains our operations and promises future growth, community support can amplify our impact even further.

Starting in 2018, CanDoMore has successfully funded a wide variety of enhancements for both the Library and Museum. Learn more about the different projects below.

Join us in the CanDoMore Campaign by making a donation to the Grundy Foundation. Together, we can achieve even more.

CanDoMore Campaign 6: Archives & Conservation

This campaign is divided into two important parts with an overarching theme of education.

Part 1: Library Archives & Education

The Grundy Library Archives aims to acquire a state-of-the-art overhead scanner. This advanced equipment will enable the archivist to capture high-quality images of archived materials and upload them to the Grundy Library Archive website, making them accessible to anyone, anytime.

In addition to enhancing the Archives, the Library continues to provide free unique programs to the local community. These educational programs all align with PA Forward, a literacy initiative of the Pennsylvania Library Association that aims to build a better future, one of job growth, opportunity, and community vitality.

The following Library programs are currently in need of funding:

  • Grundy Library’s Museum Pass Program
  • Older Adult Exercise Classes
    • Instructor prices for Tai Chai and Chair Yoga
  • Summer Quest
    • Performances and giveaways for reading achievement

Fundraising Goal: $30,000

Part 2: Museum Conservation & Education

In keeping with Senator Grundy’s vision, the Grundy Museum offers free educational programs to share the rich legacy of the Grundy Family. These Museum programs cannot be found anywhere else in Bucks County and draw the attention of individuals beyond Bucks.

Every year, the Museum hosts an array of events that help raise funds for educational programs such as Victorian Kids Summer Camp and our pilot High School Decorative Arts Program.

Sponsorship goes a long way in helping Grundy achieve its goals…

  • Annual Tea – September 21, 2024
    • All levels will enjoy their tea whilst overlooking the Delaware River on the Museum’s Veranda.
      • Earl Grey Sponsor ($1,000)
        • 4 tickets, full-page program ad, event signage
      • English Breakfast Sponsor ($500)
        • 2 tickets, half-page program ad, event signage
      • Green Tea Sponsor ($250)
        • 1 ticket, quarter-page program ad, event signage
  • Gothic Horror Program – October 26, 2024
    • All levels will have the opportunity to view the Museum’s Gothic Horror decorations before anyone else!
      • Phantom Sponsor ($500)
        • 4 tickets to Opening Night and the Signature Presentation (Saturday), event signage, and an opportunity to participate in Edgar Allen Poe giveaways
      • Raven Sponsor ($250)
        • 2 tickets to Opening Night and the Signature Presentation (Saturday), event signage, and an opportunity to participate in Edgar Allen Poe giveaways
      • Shadow Sponsor ($100)
        • 1 ticket to Opening Night and the Signature Presentation (Saturday), event signage, and an opportunity to participate in Edgar Allen Poe giveaways
  • Victorian Holiday House – November 22-December 21, 2024
    • All levels will be invited to Opening Night, an exclusive evening to see the Museum decked out for the holiday season!
      • Tree Decorating Contest – $250 (limited to 6 sponsors)
        • Dazzle Victorian Holiday House-goers with your specially decorated tree! Each sponsor will decorate their tree aligned with the theme of “A Dickens Christmas.”

Fundraising Goal: $30,000

Library Memorial Benches

As part of the River Park revitalization, the Grundy Library plans to replace all concrete benches with new, durable metal ones. There are eight benches available for purchase, each offering opportunities for memorialization. Benches can be purchased through a recurring monthly donation or by groups.

These Library Benches provide a meaningful way to commemorate a special day or honor a loved one. For more information, contact Bobbie, Development & Marketing Coordinator, at 215.788.7891 ext. 25 or send an email today!

“If a man does not take pride in his own town, he isn’t likely to give a rap for his country.”

– Joseph R. Grundy

Below are enhancement of past programs and services that generous donors like you helped make come true!

Campaign 1: Archival Digitization – Fully Funded

  • Grundy Foundation will match dollar-for-dollar up to $5,000 all 2018 contributions to meet our Year 1 goal
  • Scanning of Borough photographs began in 2018, with public access anticipated in 2019
  • We have finished scanning over 3,400 images putting us ahead of our scanning schedule

Campaign 2: Museum Pass Program – Fully Funded

  • Free admission to leading cultural attractions with a library card in good standing
  • Library’s most popular Program. Passes checked out 559 times in 2017, up 135% since 2014
  • Purchased a new software that will allow our patrons to place holds on passes for specific days in June 2018
  • Average community savings in admission fees: $37,405.60 (Jun-Dec 2018) & $73,663 (2019)

Campaign 3: Grundy Museum – Fully Funded

This campaign has 3 parts: Exhibits & Education, Landscaping the South Side Lawn, and an Orientation Film.  Due to COVID-19 many aspects of the Landscaping Project were rolled into the Grundy Library and Museum construction project. We still have naming opportunities for the benches and the South Lawn Fountain.  These items can be purchased as a recurring monthly donation or can be purchased as a group.

Campaign 4: Textiles & Technology – Fully Funded

This campaign has 2 parts:

  • The Grundy Museum textile conservation is a rigorous and time-intensive endeavor. While extensive building restorations took place 2018—2019, our textile collection deserves a requisite level of attention and resources. Otherwise, textiles belonging to the Grundy family are at considerable risk of irreversible damage. Conserving dresses owned by Margaret and Mary Grundy are planned, as are clothing reproductions, a mannequin for display, and proper storage materials.
  • As an early adopter of emerging technologies, the Grundy Library offers STEM programs and services like code club, 3D printing, and STEAM Camps to support our community’s embrace of 21st Century learning skills. With a new 3D scanner, an upgraded set of 3D printers, and a mobile classroom, we can enhance our outreach toolkit and engage our community with artistic expression and engineering opportunities. By integrating 3D printing, scanning technologies, and computer-aided design (CAD) into Library services, we will not only get people excited about the possibilities of learning, but we will foster tangible connections between art, science, and math for all ages.

Campaign 5: Textile Conservation & Orientation Film Project – Fully Funded

  • With the completion of the Grundy Museum’s orientation film, the Museum and Technology department have purchased and installed a 98-inch monitor. The orientation film will play at the beginning of every Museum tour to give an in-depth look at Grundy Family history.
  • Several pieces of Grundy men’s textiles have been successfully conserved and will be exhibited in 2024.