
The Grundy Foundation’s endowment, which sustains the operations of both the Museum and Library, also provides for grantmaking. Senator Grundy specified that grant support would be given to “projects for the benefit of the inhabitants and institutions of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and for projects or works designed for the benefit and use of the people generally.” 

The Board of Trustees generally has restricted grantmaking to Bucks County public charities, with special consideration to those of Bristol Borough. Grants are made primarily for capital projects throughout the County serving the public in a wide area rather than a single neighborhood. Grants for operating or programmatic support are reserved for pre-selected organizations or Board-designated projects. Applicants receiving operating or programmatic support as a member agency of the United Way of Bucks County are ineligible for grant consideration. Areas of grantmaking interest include arts and culture, education, community development, and health and human services. 

Grantmaking Priorities
Find out about The Grundy Foundation’s current grantmaking priorities 

Grant Guidelines
Learn more about the specific guidelines for grant approval 

Get details on how to apply for a grant from The Grundy Foundation